Mid Atlantic Ridge @ 37°15'N (Lucky Strike)
31/08/2009 - 29/09/2009 Cruise onboard N/O Pourquoi Pas? with ROV VICTOR (IFREMER) & AUV AsterX (IFREMER) to study oceanic accretion and hydrothermal activity along a magmatic slow-spreading segment (Lucky Strike). PI: J. Escartín, M. Cannat Sampling: Dredging and ROV. Cruise info: https://doi.org/10.17600/9030040 Cruise Report: https://doi.org/10.13155/47147 Files: Dredges (files finishing with _dre.xls), dredge samples (_drs.xls), and deep sea vehicle samples (_dsv.xls), and corresponding KML files:
Map: Red: dredges; Yellow: ROV samples.